Church Minutes
January 11th, 2025
Gavel In: 2:00pm SLT
Gavel Out: 3:00pm SLT
AG: We have a jar of positivity! Our friendships can influence our immune systems and our hearts. I hope you can all develop a friendship system. During this time after COVID, Disasters etc. that friendships can be helpful. Thank you all for being here.
Congrats to Araya and Viajera who has been patched in
Deuce will be fulfilling his duties as Sergent at Arms as my right hand man according to the Bylaws.
If you are griefed follow BBR - Block, Ban, Report and then let Deuce know
Cherry: Reed would like to become a patch instead of an associate patch. March he will be voted in to be patched. Cuts and tags are important even when you land on the sim. Prospects and patches add the date that you were accepted. Two times a month for church and 4 rideouts a month.
Voting in Via and Araya today.
Reed will be our last to patch then there will be no more slots left!
Cajun: Mei and I will be working on a pool party. Congrats Araya and Via good to have you guys.
Jak: (Happy Birthday!) Live the best moments of life with those you love. Anything else just come and go"
Congrats to Araya and Via welcome in!
Outlaws game tomorrow will be greedy, 2 games 125 L for grabs
Shiraz Trivia - Winter trivia
Deuce: In regards to tracks, there are some that are difficult, some that are easy. If you find that a track is too difficult, then you can stop, hangout, TP to the top. Don't feel that you will need to complete the track.
We are working on the MMC website that is almost complete as well.
Raevyn: Congrats to Araya and Via. Shoutout to Reed and Araya who are usually out riding already before the rideouts.
Bylaws - all edits and suggestions have been completed. Hopefully we will have that ready to publish soon.
Thank you to everyone who has put in their ideas as well.
The Mavericks Eagle Magazine is going to be a website. Submissions can be sent to the email that has been posted in Discord.
On tracks, I look for quality, length, and complexity. I normally shoot for a midrange track for the majority of the group. There will be weekly advanced rides that will be separate from the 1pm and 7 pm SLT rides.
Friday night theme rights for 7pm rides voted in as well.
Welcome Kass as our new RC! Please afford her the same respect as any other RC
Bluu: Congrats Araya, Vai and Reed. If you go into Discord to the left corner arrow and click Show all channels that way you can see all channels.
Game night will be every month.
On the 18th will be our Movie night. 2nd Saturday of the month will be our game night and every 3rd Saturday will be our Movie night. There will be 3 movies posted in Discord, respond with the heart for which movie you would like to see.
Monthly birthday party will be the 26th at 3pm for a Toga party on a Yacht at DTA
Cel: I will have an associate patch member coming in. Congrats new members and Happy Birthday Jak! Stay tuned for Pool Party details!
Mei: Congrats new patched members!
Terry: Congrats Araya and Via! Otherwise nothing today
Torry: Congrats Kass on her promotion. Araya and Via congrats as well.
Shelly: Congrats everyone otherwise nothing for today
Devon: A suggestion: themed rides.
Seamus: Welcome new members! If a patched member is banned from a track due to Mavericks related incidents, then it is agreed upon that Mavericks as a whole should not ride that track - confirmed by AG
Rora: Congrats new patched members! Tomorrow is the first class at DTA at my office for class. First class will be working on lower script counts and AO work.
Crystal: Congrats new members!
Gabrial: Congrats new members!
Reed: Nothing for today
Moon: Congrats Araya, Kass, and Via!
Zach: Nothing for today. Once RL is caught up I plan to be on more for rides. Congrats to everyone and Happy Birthday Jak!
Kass: Congrats Araya and Via and thanks for making me RC!
Floyd: Thank you everyone for your friendships. I appreciate all of you.
Indiana: Congratulations Araya, Via and Kass! I hope we will able to do more stuff as an MC in the future!
Via - Patched in today
Araya - Patched in today