Members, Friends and Allies


So now, over a year in, my track is forever evolving... swapping out boxes, putting together custom trails, then switching them up some, and so on. About 6 months ago [DH] MotorWorks joined the sim and I added 3 drift tracks. Cars seemed to be a fun way to mix it up. Then Jules with [DH] DriftWear opened up on the Drag Strip Level. And it wasn't long before 509Ridez opened up shop. Most recently I've discovered SL Airplanes Blimps and Helicopters and installed an airstrip, great for Blimps and Helicopters to run 2 sims of sky. ✈

Together, John, Jules, Badger and I, put on the BoobsRock Car Show (September) and the Balls Out Car Show (April), both are weekend long events and (to be) held every year. We also put on a few random smaller contest throughout the year gathering various prizes from some pretty talented folks. Always up for expanding this tribe.

Also during the first year here, I became the Ad Gal for The BikerNews and now I am the Editor and put out the magazine each month on the 1st and 15th. I like to keep busy, I just this week interview to become a Flight Attendant on a SL Airlines... just to see what the SL Planes are all about, and maybe fly one soon.

Always on the lookout for another SIM neighbor, and growing my tribe. Looking forward to whats next in my own Second Life ✌

Beth Compton aka Bethy or AuntBeth

Hi, I'm Bethy... just a not quiet crazy middle aged Texan Lady always lookin to expand my tribe.... Discovered SL many many years ago and after a several year break I came back to an all MESH world that I had to learn. With the help of some old friends that are still around, I began to learn the new bodies and such. One of my old friends was hanging on a sim with a track and gave me a bike and we rode and rode ... up and down .... then up and down again... and again... I became addicted! My SL history is Clubs and DJing☊, I had no clue there was a whole Biker culture in SL... with MCs... RCs... etc.

Once I saw there were several more sims with tracks... I got the bug, and in August, 2023, I went thru LL and bought a sim, found Roadrunner Tracks and bought a few track boxes and started building. I love arranging and creating so this was heaven for me. I purchased an ad board at Wet Willie's and within a few days AG, the Mavericks Pres, messaged me with a couple of suggestions for my track. Then took me on a ride at DtA and showed me several things about tracks I had not discovered yet. I was so excited with all the new info I think I told him I loved him «-(¯`v´¯)-» He invited me to a 1pSLT rideout and I've been going non stop ever since. It's been a learn-as-you-go thing mostly, but I have to say the Biker Community has been pretty kind and helpful to this nonBiker Chick. ๏[-ิ_•ิ]๏ I'm even building tracks on other peoples sims now.