Get to know us
Motorcycle Clubs in the real world are usually organized by the riding type, style, brand of bike or events and have evolved since the early 1900s when it is said MCs first originated right after World War II with the New York Motorcycle Club, which merged with the Alpha MC of Brooklyn to become the federation of American Motorcyclists. Eventually, it grew into the American Motorcyclist Association. Today there are many motorcycle clubs around the world involved in charity rides and other activities for the greater good slowly shedding the stigma of criminal activities by the biker gangs considered “outlaws” of society. In Second Life, you can be part of a Motorcycle club and virtually ride across scenic terrains with your group of friends and be involved in charity events and other fun and entertaining activities without spending a single lick of gas or running up miles on your hog or crotch rocket. The great thing about MCs in Second Life is the bond it creates between members from around the world, sharing a virtual highway. The SL Enquirer caught up with Maverick’s MCs owner Λ G (angelor.galanter) and his business partner Karlee (karlee.heartsong) to learn more about this motorcycle club and what it stands for.
We Are A MC In Secondlife
Mavericks is a Huge Supporter of our Veterans, our sister region is Door to America, Please visit and show your support.

Mavericks MC Executive Board