Church Minutes
January 25th, 2025
AG (Discord)
Mei (Discord)
Shadowsight (Discord)
Gavel In: 2:00pm SLT
Gavel Out: 2:42pm SLT
AG: I will have a definitive answer on Tuesday what type, stage, etc. when I meet with the Oncologist. I have loved every minute of the MC.
Cajun: Nothing for today
Cherry: Reed will be prospecting Feb 8th and is our last patched member. We will have 36 at that point.
Ride outs: Once a month; Church: Twice a month; Cuts and Tags!
Jak: Per bylaws - 4 Ride outs per month and 2 churches per month reminder.
Outlaws and Club Shiraz events as normal IM me if you need more info.
Raevyn: Reminder - Still seeking submissions for the Eagle Magazine. Recipes, jokes, etc. All information is in the Discord channel or my profile.
Shout out to Kass who is doing a great job as RC.
Cel: Bylaws will be done by Feb 1st otherwise nothing today.
Shelly: Nothing today.
Rora: Class next week: Loops and jumps 2pm SLT on Sunday
Jules: : Car show in April called "Balls Out" testicular Awareness event. More info to come later.
Crystal: Nothing today.
Gabrial: Nothing today
Seamus: An idea - Allow officers to be able to return objects while on ride outs.
Shadow: 4k Club related. We need to get more attention at the 4k club. There is a redirect by the track that will take you to the 4k club, it is a star gate right next to the DTA.
Dana: I put some stuff in the Discord Main Chat this morning. So just to summarize here:
Phillip Rosedale posted a video overnight that's all about the performance upgrades to get the new viewers running better. I really encourage everyone to take 15 minutes to watch it, and to give the new Firestorm beta versions a try. The URLs for the video and the FS Beta download are in that Discord post this morning. Having started using the Firestorm early alphas and betas almost a year ago, I assure you they've come a very long way.
Bluu: Toga party 3pm SLT Sunday the 26th on Bethy's boat. February party there will be a vote on which day to do it for the valentines party. February birthdays will be at the end of the month for party. I pray for everyone for good health and lets make this a better year.
Kass: Theme ride 7pm SLT Friday - Superhero
If you have an idea for a theme ride - please let me know via IM or Discord.
Reed: Nothing today.
Torry: Nothing today other than keeping everyone in prayers.
Lexi: Grand re-opening of the 4K club is Feb 1st, we will have prize which is a bike made by Deuce! If anyone has any DJ's or Hosts please send them my way. If anyone would like to set up an event please let me know.
Mei: In order for the 4k club to succeed, we need VIP's and people to come in. We're all in this together, instead of breaking each other down, lets build each other up.
Elise: Thank you to everyone who has helped me.
Araya: Nothing today